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  • Writer's pictureSusan Kiskis

Recipe of the week: Feta Fusilli

Dinner! While I don’t recommend eating leftovers regularly (since food looses its nutritional value each time its heated and over time, and looses its energy), this Mediterranean-inspired dish is super tasty and great for meal prepping.

Did you know that according to David Wolfe, diets of the longest living people include olive oil.

Olive Oil is high in antioxidants and is an anti-inflammatory. Olive oil supports brain and heart health.

Feta Fusilli

Ingredients: Use organic as much as possible for a clean, healthy meal. - Half bunch lacinato kale, chopped - 5 heirloom tomatoes, chopped - 2 cups crumbled feta cheese - Fresh basil leaves (3-4 leaves, chopped) - 3 cups Fusilli - Olive oil - Sea salt

Directions: 1. Roast organic tomatoes with olive oil and sea salt in the oven at 325 degrees for 20-30 minutes. 2. Cook organic fusilli, strain water. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and mix. 3. Sautée lacinato kale. 4. Mix pasta, kale and tomatoes together (including oil and juices from tomatoes) in sautee pan. 5. Add basil and crumbled feta cheese. 6. Sautee approximately 5 minutes or until feta cheese becomes soft and stretchy.

Bon appetit!

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